How to write post-test questions?

Post-test questions allow you to complete user feedback items with 1 to 5 open or closed questions.

These questions might help you fulfill the following objectives:

  • Gather additional information regarding users.    
Examples of questionsExamples of answers
How often do you travel by plane?1. Once a month 2. Once a semester 3. Less than once a semester
Do you consider buying a new car in the next few months1. Yes 2. No
  • Ask a closed question on a specific subject. 
Examples of questionsExamples of answers
How would you rate the simplicity of the website you've just tested?1. Very simple 2. simple 3. Not that simple 4. Not simple at all
Do you feel safe browsing on this mobile app ?1. Yes totally 2. A little 3. Not enough 4. Not at all
  • Ask a question on a subject that hasn't been mentioned yet.
Examples of questionsExamples of answers
Choose the future name of this mobile app:1. Fresh 2. Fresh products 3. Fresca 4. 100% Fresh
According to you, what service should we develop next?1. Messaging service inside the app 2. Profile geolocation 3. Online Payment 4. Express delivery
  • Ask an open general question.
Examples of questions Examples of answers
What's your favorite feature of the app?The integrated order tracking 
If there was only one thing to change, what would it be?I'd say the aesthetics of the home page

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